Bouquet of Flowers in a Vase Framed Art Print
Bouquet of Flowers in a Vase Framed Art Print
The flowers in this bouquet create a setting of harmony through colorful hues of yellows, whites, pinks and darker blue tones to balance it out. Heavier strokes make up the central flowers to be the center of attention while the darker tones from the green stems bring your attention downward to the vase. The energy from the colors in this bouquet is captured in this painting to and made permanent for you to enjoy.
Museum-quality posters made on thick and durable matte paper. Add a wonderful accent to your room and office with these posters that are sure to brighten any environment.
Print Details:
• Paper thickness: 10.3 mil
• Paper weight: 5.6 oz/y² (192 g/m²)
• Giclée printing quality
• Opacity: 94%
Frame Details:
• Alder, semi-hardwood frame
• Black .75” thick frame
• Acrylite front protector
• Lightweight
• Hanging hardware included (sawtooth hanger)